How Long Do Edibles Stay in Your Hair? Let’s Comb Through the Facts
March 18, 2025

Maybe you crushed a few gummies at a party, or casually enjoyed an edible cookie over the weekend. Now you're staring down the barrel of a hair follicle test, wondering, Wait... exactly how long do edibles stay in your hair?
Good news and bad news here. Unlike a quick saliva or urine test, your hair is basically a long-term storage locker for substances you’ve consumed. But does that mean your weekend edible binge will haunt you forever? Let’s unpack this.
Hair Follicle Tests Are the Ultimate Snitches
Hair follicle tests have earned their scary reputation for good reason. They’re like your body's historical record. THC metabolites, that’s the science-y way of saying the chemical remnants of your edible adventures, hang out in your hair strands, literally woven into your personal timeline.
So, how exactly does THC end up in your hair after munching on some gummies? Once you eat an edible, your body metabolizes the THC, sending its chemical leftovers into your bloodstream. From there, tiny traces get deposited into your hair follicles as new hair grows out. Think of it like rings in a tree, quietly marking the passing of time and your past choices.
How Long Do Edibles Actually Stick Around?
Here’s where things get interesting. A hair test typically covers about 90 days of history, since hair grows roughly half an inch per month and labs usually test about an inch-and-a-half of hair near your scalp. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that every edible you’ve enjoyed in the past three months will show up bright and clear.
If you're someone who only occasionally enjoys an edible—maybe one or two gummies every now and then—the THC might not even hit the radar. But regular use, or even semi-frequent use, can leave a clearer trail. Simply put: the more often you indulge, the stronger your "signal" gets.
Also read: How Long Do Edibles Last? 7 Key Things You Need to Know
Can You Beat a Hair Follicle Test?
Before you rush off to shave your head or drench yourself in sketchy shampoos from some online forum—hold up. Hair follicle tests are notoriously difficult to beat. And shaving won’t exactly help; testers often just switch to other body hair (yes, including your chest, legs, or underarms).
So, can you totally erase evidence of edibles from your hair? Honestly, probably not. THC metabolites integrate deeply into the hair structure, and most detox shampoos promising miracles are just clever marketing. You might lower detectable amounts temporarily, but there's no guaranteed way to scrub your hair completely clean.
Factors That Affect Detection Time
How clearly edibles show up in your hair depends on a few key things, like how often you enjoy them. Occasional nibbling might slip under the radar, but if you’re regularly munching gummies or cookies, that trail gets a lot clearer.
It also depends on potency and dosage. A single gummy here and there probably won’t leave a huge mark, but if you’re consistently going for stronger edibles, your hair might start keeping better notes.
Then there’s your hair itself. Believe it or not, hair type and color play a role. THC metabolites tend to bind better to darker, thicker hair strands, so your luscious black locks might betray you more than your friend’s wispy blonde curls.
Even your metabolism plays a part. Fast metabolism means your body might ditch those metabolites quicker, while a slower metabolism gives THC more time to settle in.
Bottom line? Your hair doesn’t lie, but some stories stand out more clearly than others.
So, Should You Panic?
If you ate a single gummy weeks or months ago, it's unlikely to trigger any red flags. But if edibles are part of your regular routine, then a question like how long do edibles stay in your hair is a fair one—because it's safe to assume there's a trail.
If you’ve got a hair test coming up for a serious reason (think job or legal stuff), your best bet is to pause your edible adventures ASAP. It won’t erase your past, but it will stop adding new layers of evidence.
How Long Exactly?
Here’s the straight answer you clicked for: typically, THC from edibles can stay detectable in your hair for up to 90 days. After 90 days, hair tests generally don’t detect anything since the average lab only examines about the most recent 1.5 inches of hair growth. Longer hair could hold a longer record, but standard practice is usually about three months.
But remember: occasional users may slip by undetected, even within that timeframe.
Can You Outsmart Your Hair?
Realistically, no. Your hair keeps records like a determined accountant. It remembers everything, from your spontaneous weekend edible session to your more routine gummy munching.
But here’s the upside. If you’re genuinely an occasional user, the odds are on your side—small amounts rarely leave a lasting trail. Frequent users? Sorry, but your hair isn’t keeping secrets.
Either way, if you’re concerned, your smartest move is simple: slow your roll, give your hair some breathing room, and don’t trust sketchy shampoos promising miracles. Your hair isn’t fooled so easily.
And when you’re ready to kick back again, Baked Bags—California’s favorite edible brand—has you covered with fruity Delta-8 gummies, creamy ice cream chocolate cones, crispy cookies, refreshing seltzers, and more. Whatever your vibe, we’ll keep your chill tasty and worth every bite.
Stay smart, stay chill, and respect that hair-memory!